Sunday 16 June 2013

and so it continues :)

It was now time for ME to take my life in to my own hands. At the time I was having weekly sessions with an energy healer. One of the many things I learnt from him is that we are all part of the universe. We are all one. And it is a beautiful and amazing source that we all have at our core. This was where I aimed to be and function from as much as I can. At my core. The way I am when you take away all the experiences/labels of life.  He told me that I am part of the universe and the universe can't have a disease so that means that neither can I! This was the beginning of a deeper understanding of holsitic healing and my place here in the universe. There were so many positive changes happening to me at this time. To my body and soul I mean. My senses had become a lot more sensitive and I was suddenly aware that my body saying something else to me. As if it were nudging me to make one more change. It occurred to me that I should look at what I was putting in to my body too. Although, I strongly believe that our mind has the ability to heal our bodies it felt like my body was telling me there was something else that greatly helps with that too. And so I turned to look at what I could put inside my body to assist with my healing.  I had learnt about wheatgrass juicing and its healing powers and after trying some shots at the local juice bar I knew it was something I wanted to continue doing and that meant I would need to be able to juice at home. So, I researched juicers, mainly on sites that specifically were aimed at juice/wheatgrass juicing, and I came across the extremely highly recommended GreenStar juicer and that was it! I knew I had to get my own! I was lucky enough after a few months to be able to afford to buy my own!! And oh boy do I love my GreenStar juicer! And so, in January 2012, I bought quite a few trays of pregrown wheatgrass and with the guidance of Ann Wigmore's  'The Wheatgrass Book' I went on to do my own 'mini' wheatgrass fast, enemas and all. Weeelll, not quite 'all'. I was basically just doing wheatgrass enemas and drinking water, no extra green juices or anything else. I didn't follow what the book said you should do. I would like to say here that I definitely do not recommend doing it my way. I cannot stress this enough: a juice fast must be undertaken with guidance from a qualified nutritionist (I will tell you which wonderful lady offers just this further down. For those of you who can't wait check her facebook page out HERE ;) ). After about 10 days, I broke my 'fast' by attempting to eat some fruit. The first few days were really hard on my guts. I wasn't sure whether or not I'd be able to eat. But I kept on with my mantras and told myself 'I can eat, I can eat whatever I like'. And that I did. I pushed myself..some days more some days less. I started adding more solid foods and noticed that I was able to eat them with a little less pain that before. Even the pains when sitting up for longer than 5 minutes had eased off and this was a miracle in my eyes. I guess you could say I took advantage of my new found ability to eat again because I went back to eating a lot of the junk that didn't help me the first time round in my existence. Things like crisps, sweets etc and also some chicken, fish and eggs. The more I ate, the worse the pains got again. This went on for some time until I did another mini wheatgrass fast. I would feel so much better right after but as soon as I started adding certain foods back in things would get bad again. This went on for a while and I realized that maybe I should try and cut out the crisps, sweets, chicken and so on. This is where the universe brought to me another wonderful blessing in my life. That of the lovely, sweet, generous and oh so knowledgeable Liana Shanti <3 I came across her facebook page RawganicVegan through a facebook friend. I was instantly drawn to her posts! The energy this lady gives off is beautiful and the information she shares, not just on nutrition, is amazing! I looked forward (and still do) to getting on facebook purely to see what else she had shared with us. I was learning so much about how bad foods really do affect our health. I think deep down I already knew this, my body was telling me, I just wasn't really listening not until I read and learnt the true impact they have. Mother nature has blessed and provided us with what we need to be truly healthy and to heal and not just with food. Everything was falling in to place. I was becoming hooked on healthy eating and the wonders of the universe! The decision to start eliminating the bad foods from my diet and introduce more good foods i.e more raw vegan foods wasn't a hard one to make. My boyfriend was totally supportive and he too wanted to make changes to his diet. It was then that Liana announced she had created a program called the 66 Day Health Mastery Program . It would start off with a 10day juice fast and then in each module after that provide you with information, recipes and lots more to enable you to live on a high raw vegan diet. WOW! I thought what an amazing opportunity! I signed up and became part of an amazing group who I am grateful to call my family. The program was set to start in the first few days of January 2013. And it was just prior to the start that Fredrik and I watched Earthlings and Vegucated. That was the moment we both knew we would never eat meat again. And we haven't :) From the beginning of this year, after following the amazing 66 day program we have added daily green juices and are on a high raw vegan gluten free diet! We haven't looked back. IT IS AMAZING!! I can't believe I had been missing out on this for most of my life. This is what eating is supposed to be about. To nourish and heal in every way. And the flavors oh how wonderful they are! I love it! I love eating and drinking juices! I am eating so many amazing foods and I love the fact that I am preparing meals for me, and of course my loved ones, again! Meals I have never had before using some new methods of preparation too and they are delicious! I am actually EATING food! Thank you universe <3


  1. That is such a beautiful and amazing story Nicki! <3 Liana is truly an Angel :)

    1. Thank you so much Mel <3 She is amazing <3
